olaf please don't message me first because I will pray with my guy friends probably tomorrow at approximately 9 you can message me
Ok no problem.
we are in rainy:-(astawa for dinner.
"ohh Yes??
dont tall me my friend All Me Message u pleace, only me n u, "
Promise!!! Only u and me!!
what U eat fo Oder?
Koloke and pork satay-) marc
happy meal Already home:-*
whay for a moment
I'm in the House since 15 minutes
why quickly?
rain and full of there.
oh I dwell at home also
Have a nice evening dear!!
you to!
my Morning sweety!! :-*
morning too
how are you? well and you?
also nice if I talk with you;-) in the morning. just a pain in my back since a few days it:-(but I hope it comes better soon!
has been to the doctor? there is no doctor. I do massage and accupuncture. the next specialist for back problems is in denpasar. There is no time to go there you
:-(too busy with work, at least please take a moment to break 1 day
I wish I could do that:-(but at the moment I can't. I tried again with a massage and accupuncture. Maybe you can give me a Massage;-)
I can not massaging, Hee-)
but sweet and You have a good hand. I am sure it will be beautiful;-)
:-D I never Massaging how can it be?
is not sweet and lovely hands needed:-) but the experience "
I love your hands and all on You:-) I might be able to teach You a massage if you lose a few timid;-)
"But you are pretty busy and perhaps I will be your only, cumbersome
life is Pretty boring for me"
im in the afternoon or evening is never busy. a few days is also not in the afternoon ... we can have secrets together and have a good time. No one knew. just you and me ...
where You taught me?
what you like ... It's up to you and me what we will do. aleays you can come to my house if you want. not shy, just you and me know ...
I Still much thought maybe next time I'll Try
thinks about it. It's okay. I love you!!! :-*
including it and think of the patience that is long enough to get the thing I love about
i can teach you lose You embarrassed and enjoying the things You love with no regrets. do one of the first steps and we can do more together.
How can I??
What is it?, how to do it?
you can come to my place if you like to ... do not need to be ashame.
"Yes Next Time maybe,
Olaf how much hp the samsung you?"
Yeah thinking about it. We can have confidence and I'm sure you could like it very much. my hp is about 5 million each but 3 years ago. It is brand new this time.
You Apparently Big Bost hahahahahaaa:-D"
yea for you:-) but I'm just very good friends! Kiss
do you have any secret desire what you want to learn or try?
I actually like to have hp samsung galaxy S 3, 5 million before February but not possible
let's see. could we find a way together ...
o what to do please help me
we can find together ... depends on you too ... maybe how well you learn massage;-)
What the relationship between massage and the desire I have hp?
just kidding:-) I mean if we are good friend may be able to help you.
"what will you support?
You apparently likes joking too,"
I might be able to lend you money or you'll work for it. I do not know. It also depends on You.
I am ashamed to Borrow with you, it took me a long time to restore per month I Could Therefore only 500 thousand Because of my lack of enough Lard
If you are ashame to borrow, what will You do to not feel ashame?
or feel better You would like to give you a massage or more and I give you money for it? but maybe you are too shy and feel more ashame with this? don't know.
"once I am Massaging how long?
and how much you give?"
who also relies on you ...
"but if I borrow at you what may I return it within 7 months?
/month 500 thousand"
it a long time. but it depends what you want more ...
"you mean?
that's what you're going to allow borrowing for it?"
You would like to borrow like this? I also like the idea of a massage from You;-) I bet you sweet if not too shy ....
or you'll be too scared to be alone with me and touching me?
but I don't like Massaging it
Yes My Karna Balinese people So more sensitive Touch
secret and if you want I can teach You ... that there is nothing wrong on.
nothing else besides massaging?
you have another idea?
don't think about too. the secret is not wrong and many have secret here ... I like you very much!
You Why Like me??
I told you already sweetie!
and I have a feeling that You would like to try more than a traditional ... all I can help you to explore more ...
a lot of Sweet Women, I have only one Olaf among seribunya
Yes Maybe I do have to be patient to wait
You do not need the patience You need only perform the and loose points shy.
but I don't like massaging,
I ask you before what you want to learn or do or try ...
Maybe if you need a friend for a walk I can
we are friends:-) I hope I can help you to give up a few timid. Maybe you want to cone to where I am today and we just had a movie together or more.
"maybe this time I will be quite busy because of my brother 's,
will marry"
it is up to You. Think about all we talk about and tell me if you have time. I'm here to be your friend!!
"what do you want to lend me money?
later I Will Take it with me if you Can "
If you want me to lend it to you.
what could be?
Yes I can borrow it for you. You working these days?
Yes I work early in the morning, don't carry to where I Work
don't worry. its better if you come to my place and nobody knew. how much do you need? "I still blum tau I only need 3,5 million, but Will my brother
married and she is still confused looking for extra money, my sister what I must help him What no?
please kasi "Advice you must know what you want. Help your sister is the way tradition ... If I lend money to You I will do that for You to make you happy and feel that you are not alone.
may I consider you my brother? so I told him anything more daring
Yes:-) You can talk about all of it with me. be my sister too!
terimakasi my dear sister:-* only u and me;-) sweet sister!!
Yes thankz brother:-*
where is your House big brother??
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