di belakang tempat domo. Jika Anda pergi dengan cara untuk aquaria res Übersetzung - di belakang tempat domo. Jika Anda pergi dengan cara untuk aquaria res Englisch wie soll ich sagen

di belakang tempat domo. Jika Anda

di belakang tempat domo. Jika Anda pergi dengan cara untuk aquaria resort. The last house on the left.
saya Tidak tau
Apakah Anda tahu rumah domo?
di mana cara untuk puri bagus pergi di dalam adalah sebuah supermarket kecil. ini adalah tempat dari domo.
Tidak berani saya karna Banyak Yang Tahu Saya Di area itu
banyak lewat sini untuk berenang atau lebih baik di malam hari ada di sekitar lagi.
Saya kurang tahu tempatnya
Apakah Anda tahu supermarket kecil?
dari astawa keluar kanan - bali club - rock cafe - supermarket. jalan kecil ke laut. pergi ke sana. sisi kiri tiga rumah sangat kecil. tiga bungalow. yang terakhir adalah saya:-)
mengerti sekarang? hanya dua menit berjalan kaki dari astawa.
bagaimana kalau anda menunggu saya di sebrang jalan
tidak masalah tetapi daripada orang melihat Anda dengan saya. bagi saya yang tidak ada masalah. apa waktu Anda akan melihat saya?
saya takut tersesat
Hal ini sangat mudah my baby. hanya keluar dari astawa tepat-50 meter - di belakang supermarket - jalan kecil hak untuk aquaria. sisi kiri terakhir rumah... saya:-)
Indosat lost connection no translator :-(
ganti kartu anda dengan xl
daripada yang saya tidak punya penerjemah:-(
Aku keluar kemudian tapi dari 6 Aku rumah. jangan malu adikku yang manis!
yaaa mungkin perkiraan hari rabu saya ambil uangnya bolehkah?
Ya Rabu juga Oke. daripada Anda memiliki lebih banyak waktu untuk berpikir...:-)
I like you sweet sister!!!! :-*
Terimakasih Tapi saya tidak berani kerumah anda untuk sementara waktu agar saya tau situasi terlebih dulu baru mungkin saya berani,
Sayang yang baik-baik saja!!
maksud anda?
Saya memahami Anda. mungkin Anda perlu waktu untuk berpikir tentang someting pergi. Tidak apa-apa. hanya tahu: saya Anda brother dan selalu di sini untuk Anda jika Anda membutuhkan saya
ada tidak akan berbuat jahatkan sama saya?
apa maksud
Ya saya sedikit takut nanti anda melakukan sesuatu yang jahat pada saya apa itu mungkin?
Aku berjanji: tidak pernah! tidak ada apa yang Anda tidak ingin atau seperti! dont khawatir adik.
saya hanya akan meminta Anda kadang-kadang untuk menyingkirkan Anda malu;-)
Apakah tidak khawatir my baby!!!
"Ya oc,
tapi mungkin rabu anda bisa berikan uangnya di sebuah restauran mungkin untuk sementara saya belum berani menemui anda ke rumah, anda biasa makan kerestauran mana saja? mungkinkah ke legong restauran?"
"dengan apa?
jika hanya untuk bercanda saya tidak malu,
seperti apa contohnya malu itu?"
Semua orang tahu saya luar. Saya pikir itu bukan ide yang baik jika aku memberikannya umum kepada Anda. kita akan lihat. im keluar sekarang selama sekitar satu jam. kembali segera:-)
Saya hanya tidak ingin melewati batas remaja anda mengertikan?
memikirkan untuk pergi langkah baru untuk Anda jika Anda menginginkan sesuatu.
Anda tidak ingin atau Anda hanya ingin malu tapi ingin... im kembali kemudian sayang.
Jangan melakukan hal yang tidak wajar terhadap saya itu saja yang saya takutkan?
bagaimana apakah anda mau memberikan uang pada hari rabu?
Aku tidak melakukan apa pun untuk Anda!! Anda dont perlu affraid ini!
emng si tdi'a minat to tpi brang lom leat bebz, emng klah bagus'a ya ma hp u??"
saya tidak bisa menerjemahkan pesan terakhir:-(
karena itu tidak jelas. ini hanya dapat melakukan google:-)
"This I mean: mzk??
emng si tdi'a minat to tpi brang lom leat bebz, emng klah bagus'a ya ma hp u??"
"maaf saya Salah kirim pesan
apa anda pernah ke gemini shop???"
Aku sedang keluar untuk pijat untuk punggung saya. masih terluka:-(besok saya memiliki accupuncture sekali lagi.
lalu kapan?
apa artinya?
lalu kapan anda pasti memberikan uang??
untuk Anda? atau apa yang Anda maksud?
ya kapan anda mau meminjamkan saya uang?
bisa kita lakukan pada hari Rabu. tetapi tidak umum. itu adalah yang terbaik yang Anda datang ke sini, benar-benar. Don't worry!!
Morning sweety :-)
what are you doing?
Almost on way to kantor.
dimana Kantor anda?
Di puri bagus.
"oh, olaf Bisakah siang ini anda pinjamkan uang?
karena sepupu saya hanya bisa mengantar saya siang ini untuk membeli hp,"
sore ini saya mungkin di denpasar dokter. Jika aku pergi aku am rumah sebelum mulai. saya dapat memberitahu Anda ketika saya pulang.
dengan siapa anda ke denpasar?
Aku pergi sendirian. Saya berharap dokter memiliki waktu!!
saya harap, tapi sekarang apakah anda bisa keluar sebentar menggunakan mobil dan bertemu dengan saya untuk memberikan uang
saya belum tahu bagaimana hari ini. saya dapat memberitahu Anda jika saya tahu jadwal saya. sebenarnya aku di kantor.
apa tidak bisa keluar sebentar kira-kira 20menit saja?
Ya. saya bekerja pada saat. Jika Anda membutuhkan uang sekarang datang ke sini dan memilih atas atau kita dapat melihat bagaimana kami dapat memenuhi.
apa anda marah pada saya?
Anda selalu mendorong saya untuk mengirim uang ke suatu tempat karena Anda ingin malu untuk mengambilnya atau aku tidak tahu. Aku tidak rakasa:-) mungkin Anda adalah affraid seseorang melihat Anda dengan saya...
saya tahu orang-orang di sini. tapi saya pikir Anda juga affraid terlalu banyak. ada di hari tidak begitu banyak orang di sekitar dan jika tak ada gelap id ada atau melihat siapa yang akan di mana. Hal ini juga Anda sayang...
"bagaimana untuk uangnya nanti pada saat anda berangkat kedenpasar anda tunggu saya di pinggir jalan sebelah lotus bungallow?
dan Hari Rabu saya Akan coba jalan-jalan kerumah anda sambil memperlihatkan hp baru saya"
Apakah Anda jadi malu sayangku:-) ya kita bisa melakukan seperti ini di lotus bungalow. Saya pikir saya mulai denpasar 1 untuk 1,30. Malu-malu sweety :-*
"bagaimana kalau amankila?
saya tunggu di pinggir jalan,"
Yea its okay terlalu
message jika anda Akan berangkat
Ya. yang terbaik dalam kurva sebelum amankila. yang lebih baik untuk berhenti di situ.
ya Anda Mengajak sopir ap hanya anda sendiri?
aku sendirian. Aku mengemudi sendirian.
Aku mulai dari rumah saya pada pukul 13.00 harapan hujan tidak datang
baik jika Sudah sampai di pinggir jalan amankila tolong message Saya dan 1 menit saya sampai
Sudah akan berangkat?
5 menit. hanya selesai mandi:-)
okay jika sudah sampai message brother
berapa nomer DK mobil anda?
Aku mulai sekarang dari sini. Sampai jumpa lagi.
Don't know the nomer
I am here.
thanks brother
Only for u ! because I like u very much my sweet malu malu sister :-*
thanks, Ini rahasia okay??"
Only u and me sis. All secret!
Von: -
Zu: -
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
domo behind. if you go by way of aquaria resort. the last house on the left.

I do not know if you know the domo?

not where the good way to go in the castle is a small supermarket. This is a place of domo.
I dare not because I know a lot of the area that
a lot through here to swim or better in the evening there around again.

I do not know if you know where a small supermarket?

tidakkk of Astawa out right - bali club - rock cafe - supermarket. small way to the sea. go there. left side three very small house. three bungalows. the last one is me :-)
get it now? just two minutes walk from Astawa.
why do not you wait for me on the other side of the road
not a problem but rather than people see you with me. for me its no problem. what time you will see me?

I was afraid of getting lost is a very easy thing my baby. just out of the right-Astawa 50 yards - behind the supermarket - a small path to the right of the aquaria. the left side of the house last ... :-) I
Indosat lost connection no translator :-(
replace your card with xl
than that I do not have a translator :-(
I came then but of the 6 I'm home. should not shy sister sweet!

yaaa iaa may estimate Wednesday I took money may I?
ya Wednesday also okay. than you have more time to think ... :-)
i like you sweet sister!!!!: - *
thank you but I do not dare your home for a while so I know first new situation may I dare, dear
do you mean?
I understand you. maybe you need some time to think about someting go. That's all right. just know: I am your brother and always here for you if you need me
there is not going to do the same jahatkan me?

yeah what I mean a little afraid you'll do something nasty to me what it might be?
I promise: never! not what you do not want or like! dont worry brother.
I was just going to ask you sometimes to get rid of your shame ;-)
do not worry about my baby!!!
"yes oc,
but maybe you could give the money Wednesday at a restaurant may be for a while I have not dared to see your house, your usual eating kerestauran anywhere? is it possible to Legong restaurant? "
" to what?
if only for a joke I'm not ashamed, embarrassed
what kind of example is that? "
everyone knows me outside. I think it's not a good idea if I gave it to your public.we'll see. im out now for about an hour.
back soon :-) I just do not want to cross the line you put across adolescents?
thought to go a new step for you if you want something.
you do not want to or you just want a shy but want to ... im back then unfortunately.
do not do things that are not fair to me that's what I was afraid?
How do you want to give money on Wednesday?
I did not do anything for you!! you dont need to be affraid this!
emng the tdi'a interest to TPI brang lom leat bebz, emng klah bagus'a ya ma hp u?? '
I can not translate the last message :-(
whay? ??
because it was not clear. was only able to do a google :-)
"this i mean: Mzk??
emng the tdi'a interest to TPI brang leat bebz lom,emng klah bagus'a ya ma hp u?? "
" sorry I mistakenly sent a message
:-d '
what you have to gemini shop??? "
I was out for a massage for my back. still hurt tomorrow :-( I have accupuncture once again.
then when?
what does that mean?
then when you definitely give money??
for you? or what you mean?
yes when you want to lend me money?
we can do on Wednesday. but not common. it is best that you come here, really. do not worry!!
early morning sweety :-)

what are you doing?
almost on the way to the office.
where your office?
in a great castle.
"oh, this afternoon olaf Can you lend me money?
because my cousin could only take me this afternoon to buy hp, "
This afternoon I might be in Denpasar doctor.if I go I am home before starting. I can tell you when I come home.
with whom you are to denpasar?
I went alone. I hope the doctor has time!!
I hope, but now if you can get out for a while using the car and meet me to give money
I do not know how this day. I can tell you if I knew my schedule.I'm actually in the office.
what can not be out for a while about 20min only?
yes. I worked at the time. If you need money now to come here and pick up or we can see how we can meet.
What you mad at me?
you always encouraged me to send money to a place because you want to be ashamed to take it or I do not know.:-) I'm not the monster you are affraid someone might see you with me ...
I know people here. but I think you also affraid too much. there was not so many people around and if there is no id no dark or see who is going where. it is also your dear ...
"How to get the money later on when you leave your kedenpasar I wait on the roadside next to the lotus bungallow?
And on Wednesday I will try the streets of your home while showing my new hp"
are you so shy dear :-) yes we can do like this in lotus bungalow. I think I started denpasar 1 to 1.30. shy sweety: - *
"what if Amankila?
I was waiting at the curb, "yea its okay too

message if you are leaving
ya. were the best in the curve before Amankila. better to leave it at that.
yes you invite only your own driver ap?
I'm alone. I was driving alone. terrific

I started from my home at 1300 hope the rain does not come
well if it is to the side of the road Amankila please message me and 1 minute I get okay

already leaving?
5 minutes. just finished showering :-)
okay if it is to message brother
: - *
dk how your car number?
I'm starting right now from here. I'll see you again.

do not know the number i am here.

thanks brother only for u! because i like u very much my sweet shy sister: - *
thanks, it's a secret okay?? "
only u and me sis. secret all!
Übersetzt wird, bitte warten..
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
behind the domo. If you go by way of aquaria resort. The last house on the left.

I do not know whether you know the House isn't the domo?

where is the way to go in the puri bagus is a small grocery store. It is a place of domo.
I don't dare because many know Me In that area
many pass by here to swim or better at night there are around again.

I do not know whether you know her small grocery store?
right out of bali astawa-club-rock cafe-supermarket. a small path into the sea. go there. the left side of the three very small house. three bungalows. the last one was me:-)
understand now? only two minutes ' walk from astawa.
What if you waited for me on the road across the problem but not than
people see you with me. It seems to me that there is no problem. What time you'll see me?

I am afraid of getting lost it is very easy to my baby. just out apt from 50 meters-astawa-behind grocery store-a small road right to aquaria. the left side of the last House ... me:-)
Indosat lost connection no translator:-(
replace your card with xl
than I don't have translators:-(
I'm out later but from 6 I. Don't be shy of my sister's sweet!

probably the iaa yaaa estimates Wednesday I took his money can?
Yeah Wednesday was also Okay. than you will have more time to think ...:-)
I like you sweet sister!!!! :-*
Thanks but I do not dare to your home for a while so I know the situation first, might I dare new
a Babe alright!!
you mean?
I understand you. Maybe you need some time to think about someting goes away. It's okay. just know Your brother and I are always here for You if you need me
There is will not do the same jahatkan I?

Yeah I mean what a little afraid the next time you do something nasty on me what it might be?
I promise: never! None of what you don't want to or like! dont worry sister.
I'll only ask you sometimes to get rid of You shame;-)
Do not worry my baby!!!
"Yes oc,
but maybe you can give her money Wednesday at a restaurant might be for a while I have not yet dared to meet you home, you wont eat kerestauran anywhere? would it be possible to legong restaurants? "
"with what?
if only to joke I'm not ashamed, ashamed of what it looks like for example"
? "
Everyone knew me outside. I think it's not a good idea if I give it to you in public. We'll see. im out now for about an hour. back soon-)
I just don't want to cross the line, understand your teen?
think about to go a new step for You if you want anything.

it mean? you don't want or You just want a shy but want ... im back then too.
Don't do unnatural things against me that's all I fear?
How do you want to give money on a Wednesday?
I haven't done anything for you!! You dont need to be affraid!
emng si tdi'a interest to tpi brang lom leat bebz, emng klah bagus'a Yes ma hp u?? "
I can't translate the last message:-(
because it's not obvious. It can only perform google-)
"This I mean: mzk??
emng si tdi'a interest to tpi brang lom bebz leat, emng klah bagus'a Yes ma hp u?? "
"sorry I was wrong to send message"


-p ": what you've been to gemini shop?"
I'm out for a massage for my back. still hurting:-(tomorrow I have an accupuncture again.

last when? what does that mean?
and then when you must give money??
for You? or what do you mean?
Yes when you want to lend me money?
can we do on Wednesday. but it is not common. It is best that You come here, really. Don't worry!!morning Morning

sweety-) what are you doing?
Almost on way to Office.
where your Office?

at the puri bagus. "oh, olaf Can this afternoon you loan money?
because my cousin can only bring me this afternoon to buy hp,"
this afternoon I might in denpasar doctor. If I go I am home before starting. I can tell you when I get home.
with whom you to denpasar?
I went alone. I hope doctors have time!!
I hope, but now if you can get out for a bit using the car and meet up with me to give money
I do not know how these days. I can tell you if I knew my schedule. actually I'm in Office.
what couldn't get out for a bit about 20 min it?
Yes. I was working at the time. If you need money now come here and pick up or we can see how we can meet your angry.
what me?
You always encouraged me to send money somewhere because you want to shy to take it or I don't know. I'm not a monster:-) perhaps you are affraid someone seeing you with me ...
I know people here. but I think You also affraid it too much. There is no day of so many people around, and if there is no dark id or see who's going where. It is also You sweetie ...
"how for money later on when you leave kedenpasar you waiting for me at the curb next to lotus bungallow?
and Wednesdays I Will try you with me to the streets while exposing my new hp"
are you so ashamed of my dear:-) Yes we can do like this at lotus bungalows. I think I started denpasar 1 to 1.30. Sweety shy:-*
"what if the amankila?
I wait at the roadside, "
Yea its okay too
message if you're leaving
Yes. the best in the curve before the amankila. better to leave it at that.
Yeah You Invite just your own ap driver?
I was alone. I drive alone.
I start from my house at 13.00 hope the rain doesn't come
well if it's Already up on the roadside of the amankila please message me and my one-minute until

Already leave? 5 minutes. just finished a bath:-)
okay if it's already up message brother
how DK your car number?
now I begin from here. See you again.

Don't know the number I am here.
thanks brother
Only for u! because I like u very much my sweet sister shame:-*

":-Dthanks, this secret okay?? "
Only u and me sis. All secret!
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