Anda menjanjikan Anda akan tinggal bersama saya selama malam menjadi u Übersetzung - Anda menjanjikan Anda akan tinggal bersama saya selama malam menjadi u Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Anda menjanjikan Anda akan tinggal

Anda menjanjikan Anda akan tinggal bersama saya selama malam menjadi uang.
Ya saya akan menginap satu malam dan anda boleh memeluk saya
Bila Anda memiliki waktu untuk datang ke tempat saya saya dapat memberikan uang kepada Anda ada.
"Bisakah anda memberikan saya uang itu nanti sore?
Dan mungkin februari saya akan menginap di rumah anda"
mungkin mungkin...???
Yaaa tolong karna nanti sore saya akan memulai mencari pulsa dan anda harus menjadi pelanggan saya.
Sejujurnya aku masih tidak yakin seberapa serius semua janji-janji Anda.
Sangat serius karna saya akan memberikan jaminan kepada anda
Biarkan aku tahu ketika Anda memiliki waktu untuk datang ke tempat saya.
Baik tapi uangnya bisakah nanti kira-kira jam 5
Aku bisa di rumah dalam 1 jam. Jika Anda memiliki waktu yang datang ke sana. membawa karya untuk sepeda motor Anda juga.
"Saya tidak bisa karna saya belum tahu rumah anda.
Jika saya sudah tahu pasti rumah anda saya akan datang dan memberitahu anda
Jadi nanti kita bertemu di tempat sebelumnya"
Anda tahu sangat baik di mana saya tinggal. Anda bisa mengambilnya di rumah saya atau tidak. Terserah. Aku tidak berjalan di sekitar dengan begitu banyak uang karena Anda malu.
"Tolong karna saya belum tahu rumah anda
Yaa mungkin 2minggu lagi anda bisa memesan makanan dan saya yang akan mengantar agar saya tahu pasti rumah anda."
hanya pergi cara untuk aquaria resort. sebelum ada, kiri sisi rumah. tidak ada yang lain tinggal di sini Anda tidak dapat pergi salah.
"Hujan olaf
Ya jm berapa anda ada?"
Aku rumah sekarang.
"Ya lagi sebentar saya ambil uang kesana
Saya masuk ke jalan aquaria lalu ada berapa rumah dan yang mana rumah anda?"
rumah terakhir di sisi kiri. Its payung di teras.
"Ya anda tunggu di depan rumah.
Dan saya tidak bisa berlama-lama di rumah saya karena kepala saya sakit saya Harus segera tidur untuk menghilangkan"
Jangan lupa kertas dari sepeda motor Anda. u harus menulis kertas di sini bahwa Anda meminjam uang ini. Jika Anda sakit, kita dapat melakukan hari lain.
Anda akan membuat bisnis daripada datang dewasa. nyeri di kepala adalah alasan karena Anda malu untuk datang ke sini.
"Yaaa saya tidak bawa sekarang surat motor itu

Bagaimana jika kita bertemu di tempat biasa

Sumpah kepala saya memang sedikit sakit jika tidak dapat tidur siang"
tidak ada masalah mengambil tidur siang Anda. Jika Anda dapat menjaga janji-janji Anda - membawa surat-surat dari sepeda dan bertemu dengan saya - let me know. pada saat tampaknya Anda memainkan permainan. uang itu tidak permainan.
"Saya serius tidak ada bermain-main anda mengenah says sudah lebih dari 1 tahun.
Bagaimana jika saya ambil uang sekarang nanti jam 7 saya bawakan surat"""
Maaf sayang. Anda menjanjikan banyak hal. Jika Anda tidak setuju untuk menjaga janji ini aku tidak bisa memberikan uang.
"Ya nanti jam 6.30 Saya kesana mengambil uang
Sekarang saya tidak bisa kepala saya sangat sakit sekarang selalu kepala bagian belakang yang sakit"
di pagi hari Anda berjanji untuk menginap itu dekat dengan saya untuk menjadi uang-sekarang Anda mengatakan mungkin Februari-Anda berjanji surat dari sepeda Anda sekarang Anda berkata kemudian...?
saya meminta Anda lagi: Apakah Anda sangat serius untuk membuat janji-janji Anda benar? Silakan berpikir baik tentang jawabannya. Aku akan datang sangat marah jika Anda tidak serius.
Saya sangat serius
Oke. kemudian biarkan aku tahu Kapan Anda bisa datang ke sini dan biarkan aku lihat di sini Seserius Apakah Anda. tidak menghindar, tidak bermain di sekitar... menjadi dewasa.
Ya ok
Terserah kepada Anda. Let me know jika Anda akan melakukan.
Saya akan kesana sebentar lagi
Tunggu di dpan rumah saya sudah akan memasuki jalan aquaria
itu bagus untuk melihat Anda!! Saya harap Anda melihat tidak ada alasan untuk takut jika Anda bertemu dengan saya!
Pagi dear!!! :-)
Happy morning for u!!
Apakah itu bekerja dengan pulsa kemarin? BTW bahasa Inggris Anda adalah baik kemarin aku terkejut:-)
Tidak saya kurang baik dalam berbahasa itu masih terbata-bata
Anda adalah lebih baik daripada yang saya duga:-) kita dapat belajar bersama jika Anda suka.
Yaaa terimakasih
Saya ingin memeluk Anda ..... I like you!
Raining :-( take care for the babi guling :-)
Wkwkwkkk yaaaa raining hmmmz
Ur working? I pass jenga before but only saw u coworker sitting there. Miss it already to see u!
No I Off to day
Aku ingat Anda katakan Anda sibuk untuk adik Anda:-) berhati-hatilah dalam hujan. dont datang sakit.
Okkk thanks
Ur welcome sweet sister :-)
Have a nice evening dear!!
Good morning my sweety!!!! :-)
Tolong jangan message saya dulu karena pacar saya akan kerumah saya sebentar lagi
Tolong jangan message saya dulu karena pacar saya akan kerumah saya sebentar lagi
Good morning dear girly :-) have a nice wake up!!!!
Pagi :-)
Pagi juga
Apa kabar?
Baik dan anda
Baik, hanya merindukanmu ... ;-)
"Sayaa sedikit sibuk untuk saat ini
Kakak saya akan menikah 13 maret dan sekarang kami mempersiapkan keperluan sedikit"
Saya berharap itu tidak terlalu banyak pekerjaan! tidak begitu banyak bahwa Anda lupa saya:-)
Anda bekerja malam hari?
dapat saya datang untuk makan malam dan tersenyum dengan Anda? ;-)
Bisa karena saya bekerja malam hari ini
I will come for makan malam :-)
Wish to see you smile :-)
Saya suka melihat Anda dan melihat Anda tersenyum!!
berharap itu tidak datang malam ini terlalu sibuk untuk Anda.
pagi dear:-) saya pergi flores hari ini. berhati-hati di sini!
Jangan message dulu karena pacar saya Akan kerumah saya"
Oke :-( miss you!!
Pagi sayang ;-)
Hai bagaimana keadaanmu? Anda lupa saya? :-(Aku butuh xl pulsa. dapat Anda lakukan?
Tidak saya tidak lupa
Ya berapa anda ingin plz"
Aku hanya merindukan untuk berbicara dengan Anda. Aku butuh 50.000. saya mengirim nomor dalam satu menit.
Baik saya tunggu nomor anda
nomor hp: 087860648915. ini adalah hp kedua saya.
Anda sempurna sayang:-) Terima kasih!! Aku membawa uang kemudian atau datang untuk makan malam, oke?
Tidak usah lain kali saya akan kesana untuk mengambil
Oke. Anda datang ke uang tunai dari saya... wanita bisnis:-)
Pagi sayang :-)
Ya pagi juga
memiliki hari yang menyenangkan di sana dan jangan lupa saya;-)
Yaaa tapi sekarang pacar saya akan datang untuk membantu saya mengecat kamar jadi jangan message dulu
Pagi sayang ;-) have a nice start in the day!!!
Pagi sayang!! Have a nice day!!! :-)
kemudian aku datang untuk makan malam dengan dua teman. berharap Anda berada di sana:-)

Von: -
Zu: -
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
you promise you'll stay with me for the night into money.
yes I will stay one night and you must hug me
if you have time to come to my place I can give you the money there.

what he meant?
"Can you give me the money later in the afternoon?
and may february I will stay at your house "
might perhaps ...???
yaaa please because this afternoon I will start looking for a pulse, and you have become my customers.
to be honest I'm still not sure how serious all of your promises.
very seriously because I will give you the assurance
let me know when you have time to come to my place.
good but money can later at around 5
I could be at home in 1 hour.if you have time to come there. bring the work to your motorcycle as well.
"I can not because I do not know your home.
if I already know you I would come home and tell you
so later we met somewhere before"
you know very well where I live. you can pick it up at my house or not. is up.I do not walk around with so much money because of your shame.
"please because I do not know your home again 2minggu
yaa maybe you can order food and I would take for me to know for sure your house."
just go way to aquaria resort. before, the left side of the home. no one else staying here you can not go wrong.
"rain olaf
yes jm how you exist?"
I'm home now.
" Yes again for a while I take my money there
entered into the aquaria and how many homes and where your house? "
The last house on the left side. Its umbrella on the patio.
" Yes you wait in front of the house.
and I can not linger in my house because my head hurt I had to go to bed to eliminate "
Do not forget the paper of your motorcycle.u have to write a paper here that you borrow this money. If you are sick, we can do another day.
you will make the business rather than coming up. pain in the head is the reason because you are ashamed to come here.
"I do not take it now yaaa letter that bike

what if we meet at the usual place

swear my head is a bit sore if it can not take a nap"
no problem taking your nap. If you can keep your promises - bring letters from the bike and meet me - let me know. at the moment it looks like you play the game. money is not a game.
"I seriously do not no playing around you mengenah says already more than 1 year.
what if I take the money now 7 hours later I brought the letter" ""
sorry promised a lot of things. If you do not agree to keep this promise I can not give you money.
"ya later at 6:30 I was there taking money
now i can not my head is very sore now always head back sick"
in the morning you promise to stay that close to me to be a money-now you say may february-you promised you a letter on the bike now and then you say ...?
I ask you again: if you are really serious to make promises you are right? please think well about the answer. I will be coming very upset if you are not serious.

I'm very seriousokay. then let me know when you can come here and let me see here how serious you are. not shy, do not play around ... into adulthood.

yeah ok it's up to you. let me know if you are going to do.
I'll be there soon

okay dpan waiting at my house is going into the aquaria
it's nice to see you!!I hope you see no reason to be afraid if you see me!
morning dear!!! :-)

Happy early morning for u!! :-)

Yaaaaaaa whether it works with pulse yesterday? btw your english is good :-)
yesterday I was surprised I was not deficient in the language is still halting
you are better than I had expected :-) we can learn together if you like.
:-) :-) thanks

I want to hug you ..... i like you!
raining :-( take care for the pork roll wkwkwkkk yaaaa :-)

ur working hmmmz raining? i pass jenga before but only saw u coworkers sitting there. miss it already to see u!
no i off to day
I remember you saying you busy for your sister :-) be careful in the rain. dont come ill.
okkk thanks ur welcome

sweet sister :-)have a nice evening dear!!
good morning my sweety!!!! :-)
Please do not message me first because my boyfriend will be home soon i
please do not message me first because my girlfriend will be my home soon okay

good morning dear girly :-) have a nice wake up!!!! early morning :-)

also how are you?

good good and you just miss ... ;-)
"Sayaa bit busy for now
My sister is getting married March 13 and now we need to prepare a little "
I hope it's not too much work! not so much that you forget me :-)
you work nights? yaaaa

I can come for dinner and smiled with you? ;-)
can because I work tonight
i will come for dinner :-) okkk

wish to see you smile :-)
I love to see you and see you smile!!
hope it does not come tonight too busy for you.
morning dear :-) I went flores today. be careful here!
do not message first because my girlfriend will be my home"
okay :-( miss you!! morning dear ;-)

hi how are you? you forget me? :-( I need xl pulse. Could you do?
"Well, no I did not forget

so how you want plz "
I just yearn to talk to you. I need 50,000. mine sent numbers in one minute.
well I wait for your number
hp number: 087 860 648 915. This is my second hp.
you perfectly dear: - ) thanks!! I bring the money later or come in for dinner, okay?
do not have time I'll be there to take come to cash out of my ... business woman morning dear :-) :-)

yes morning also had a great day there and remember me ;-)
yaaa but now my boyfriend will come to help me paint the room so do not message first
morning dear; -) have a nice start in the day!!!

thankz morning dear!! have a nice day!!! :-)
Then I came in for dinner with two friends.wish you were there :-)

Übersetzt wird, bitte warten..
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
You promise you will stay with me for the night into money.
Yes I will stay one night and you can hug me
when you have time to come to my place I can give money to You.

How mean? "can you give me that money later in the afternoon?
and maybe February I am going to stay at your House"
might perhaps ...???
Yaaa you please because I would start later this afternoon looking for a pulse and you should patronize me.
I honestly still can't believe how seriously all the promises You.
very seriously because I will give assurance to you
let me know when you have time to come to my place.
well but his money could be approximately at 5
I can at home in 1 hour. If you have time come to it. bring the paper to your motorcycle as well.
"I can't because I don't know your House.
If I already know for sure I will come to your home and tell you
So later we met at a previous"
You know very well where I live. You can pick it up at my house or not. It Is Up. I don't walk around with so much money because you are embarrassed.
"Please help because I do not know the House you probably 2minggu Yaa
anymore you can order food and I would take so that I know for sure your home."
just go way to aquaria resort. before there were, left side of the House. There is no other live here you can't go wrong.
"rain olaf
Yes jm how you exist?"

I'm home now." Yes again briefly I took there money
I went into the House and then how many aquaria and which is your home? "
the last House on the left side. Its an umbrella on the terrace.
"yeah you wait in front of the House.
And I can't linger at my house because my head hurts I Gotta sleep soon to remove"
don't forget the paper from your motorcycle. u should write a paper here that you borrow this money. If you are sick, we can do the other day.
You will make business than come up. pain in the head is the reason because you are embarrassed to come here.
"Yaaa I don't bring that letter now motor

what if we meet at the usual place

I did head Vows a little sick if you can't take a NAP"
no problem taking a NAP. If you can keep Your promises-carried letters from the bike and meet me-let me know. at the moment it seems that you play the game. money was not the game.
"I seriously there's no playing around you mengenah says has more than 1 year.
What if I take the money now later at 7 I bring the letter" ""
Sorry dear. You promise a lot of things. If you do not agree to keep this promise I can't give money.
"Yes later on at 6.30 Am there taking money
now I can't get my head very sore right now is always the head of the back pain"
in the morning you promise to stay that close to me to become money-now you say probably February-You promised letter from your bike now you say then ...?
I ask you again: are you very serious about making promises You right? Please think about the answer. I'm going to come in very angry if you aren't serious.

I am so seriousOkay. then let me know when You can come here and let me see here how serious are You. don't shy away, not playing around ... into adulthood.

ok Yes it is up to You. Let me know if You are going to do I'll go there.

Okay Wait in my house already dpan will be entering the road that's good for aquaria
see you!! I hope you see no reason to be afraid if you meet me!
Morning dear!!! Morning:-)

Happy morning for u!!

-) would it work with a pulse yesterday? BTW Your English United Kingdom was good yesterday I was surprised:-)
I No less good in speaking it's still stammering
You is better than I had expected:-) we can learn together if you like.
Oh thank you

-):-) I want to hug You. .... I like you!
Raining:-(take care for the suckling pig:-)
Wkwkwkkk yaaaa raining hmmmz
Ur working? I pass jenga before but only saw u coworker sitting there. Miss it already to see u!
No I Off to day
I remember You saying you busy for Your sister:-) be very careful in the rain. dont come in sick.
Okkk thanks
Ur welcome sweet sister:-)
Have a nice evening dear!!
Good morning my sweety!!!!
-) Please don't message me first because my boyfriend will be home I offing
please don't message me first because my boyfriend will be home to me soon Okay

Good morning dear girly-) have a nice wake up!!!!Morning Morning

-) also how are you?

both good and you only miss you ... I had a little ";-)
busy for now
My sister is getting married March 13, and now we are preparing for the purposes of a little "
I hope it's not too much work! not so much that you forget me-)
you work night?

Yaaaa I can come for dinner and smile with You?
;-) Because I Could work evenings this
I will come for dinner:-)

Okkk Wish to see you smile-)
I love to see You and see you smile!!
hope it doesn't come this evening too busy for You.
morning dear flores:-) I go today. be careful here!
Don't message first because my boyfriend will be home I "
Okay:-(miss you!!
Morning sweetie;-)
Hi How are you? You forget me? :-(I need a xl pulse. can you do? "well,

no I am not forgotten
So how you want plz "
I just longed to talk to you. I need 50,000. I sent in a minute number.
well I wait for your number to the mobile phone number: 087860648915
. This is my second hp.
you perfect too:-) Thank you!! I bring the money later or come for dinner, okay?
not to next time I will go there to take a
Okay. You come to cash from me. ..:-) business woman

-) early in the morning Yes dear too
have a nice day there and don't forget me;-)
Yaaa but now my girlfriend is coming to help me paint the room so don't message first
Morning sweetie;-) have a nice start in the day!!!
Morning sweetie!! Have a nice day!!!
-) then I came for dinner with two friends. hope you were there-)

Übersetzt wird, bitte warten..
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Die Übersetzung Tool-Unterstützung: Afrikaans, Albanisch, Amharisch, Arabisch, Armenisch, Aserbaidschanisch, Baskisch, Bengalisch, Birmanisch, Bosnisch, Bulgarisch, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinesisch, Chinesisch Traditionell, Deutsch, Dänisch, Englisch, Esperanto, Estnisch, Filipino, Finnisch, Französisch, Friesisch, Galizisch, Georgisch, Griechisch, Gujarati, Haitianisch, Hausa, Hawaiisch, Hebräisch, Hindi, Hmong, Igbo, Indonesisch, Irisch, Isländisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Javanisch, Jiddisch, Kannada, Kasachisch, Katalanisch, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirgisisch, Klingonisch, Koreanisch, Korsisch, Kroatisch, Kurdisch (Kurmandschi), Lao, Lateinisch, Lettisch, Litauisch, Luxemburgisch, Malagasy, Malayalam, Malaysisch, Maltesisch, Maori, Marathi, Mazedonisch, Mongolisch, Nepalesisch, Niederländisch, Norwegisch, Odia (Oriya), Paschtu, Persisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Punjabi, Rumänisch, Russisch, Samoanisch, Schottisch-Gälisch, Schwedisch, Serbisch, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Singhalesisch, Slowakisch, Slowenisch, Somali, Spanisch, Sprache erkennen, Suaheli, Sundanesisch, Tadschikisch, Tamil, Tatarisch, Telugu, Thailändisch, Tschechisch, Turkmenisch, Türkisch, Uigurisch, Ukrainisch, Ungarisch, Urdu, Usbekisch, Vietnamesisch, Walisisch, Weißrussisch, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu, Sprachübersetzung.

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