
:-)"Seems u like it ;-)Sepertinya a

"Seems u like it ;-)
Sepertinya anda menyukainya ;-)"
Menyukai Apa?
Jika saya mengirimkan ciuman :-)
Secretly .... ;-)
Hkhkhkk Saya hanya ingin berteman saja Tidak Lebih
I know ... just kidding :-)
Yaaa ok
"saya biasa saja menanggapinya,
itu hanya lewat pesan, Kalau secara langsung mungkin Saya harus berpikir 10kali lipat"
Lol okay :-)
Whats Is Lol??
Tertawa :-)
Saya pulang untuk hari ini. setengah hari off :-)
Ohh Ya Selama Beristirahat
Thank you! Terimakasi :-)
Sama - sama
Good morning sweet girly!!! ;-)
yaaaa Morning To
ya saya memang off today
:-) time for relax. Its good!! Enjoy!!
yaaaa tentu
Selamat tahun baru for you!!! All the best!!!
Ol af Maaf saya tidak bisa berlama-lama di facebook, Karena Handpone Saya Cepat eror
Tidak ada masalah. Apa itu terjadi kemarin?? Aku rindu Anda tersenyum.
Maaf Saya Ada masalah dengan Mata Saya,
Oh apa yang terjadi?? Anda perlu dokter?
"Kemarin pagi saya disengat lebah di jalan dan semakin lama agak bengkak sedikit di area mata, itu sebabnya saya sedikit tersenyum maaf
yang berbahaya dekat mata. Jaga diri!! tapi dont khawatir juga dengan mata bengkak Anda senyum manis :-)
Saya Malu dengan anda Kemarin Itu sebab Saya Tidak Mendekati anda Dan Sedikit menyembunyikan wajah
Anda masih cukup bagi saya. juga dengan mata bengkak. dont perlu menyembunyikan :-) I like you!!
"Hkhkhkkk Ada2 saja anda,
saya terlihat tambah jelek"
Anda terlihat jelek! Anda akan selalu sangat manis gadis!
dengan keadaan seperti ini saya Terlihat jelek saya Malu sekali teman
No for me ;-)
Hmmmz Sungguh Saya Bingung Dan Kesal Banyak Masalah Untuk saat ini
Hei girly, whats terjadi? Anda suara tidak bahagia?
Tidak apa-apa, Lupakan Saja
Anda dapat memberitahu saya! Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan atau jadi biarkan aku tahu. kami adalah teman!!
biar saya Tau Sendiri Ini Cukup rahasia Saya
Ok. Take care!!!!
Sedang Apa anda sekarang teman?
Apa maksudmu?
what are u Doing???
For dinner with marc.
Villa rossa. Near puri bagus.
Ochh Don't See Macs Me Message u Ya???
Never! Its only u and me. Don't worry!
"Yaaaaaa Oc,
Hmmmmz Not Good To Day fo me."
U can tell me dear ....
My Handpone Eror, I angry
This don't must make u angry :-) take it easy :-) :-) smile to the world and the world smile to u ... :-*
U Still Dinner
Just arrived home now.
speak indonesia
Saya di rumah :-)
cry olaf My Handpone Broken Again
Poor sweety :-( ... :-*
"Ohhh baru saja Handpone Saya Eror lagi
:-( :-( :-(
"Saya jadi kesal,
apa tipe handpone anda?"
Pagi sweety!!! My hp samsung and nokia.
Ohhh samsung galaxy???"
Yes :-)
Saya harap Anda memiliki malam yang baik dan hari hari ini lebih baik :-*
"saya harap,
Tapi saya Masih banyak berpikir dan sabar"
mengambil hidup lebih mudah sayang! Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan atau teman saya selalu ada untuk Anda!!
terima kasih, Doakan saya agar segera tercapai keinginan saya
I will do :-*
hmmmz Mungkin akan Cukup lama Harapan saya tercapai
Apa maksudmu? harapan apa yang Anda miliki? apa yang Anda inginkan?
itu rahasia Saya Malu Mengatakan
saya teman Anda. Semua rahasia antara Anda dan saya! Jangan khawatir Sayang!!
Saya Sedang Memulai Mengumpulkan Uang dari sekarang
untuk hp baru atau apa yang Anda ingin memiliki?
Ya Untuk Hp Baru, Tapi Itu akan Sangat Lama
ini karena Anda dapat aman hanya sedikit atau Anda akan memiliki hp yang sangat mahal?
"Kira-kira Harga Hp itu 3.500.000
Saya Sangat Suka Dengan Hp itu, Samsung Galaxy S Advendt"
Its hp yang bagus, tetapi juga banyak uang:-(
Berapa lama Anda perlu aman begitu banyak uang? hp baru adalah satu-satunya apa yang membuat Anda masalah?
"Iaaa Saya Sangat suka hp itu,
Saya Hanya Akan Beli Hp Sekali Kecuali Hp saya Rusak Seperti ini, saya Tidak bisa Berlama-lama Online Karna Hp saya Akan mati seketika jika Terus online"
"7bulan mungkin, Karna Perbulan saya Akan menabung 500 ribu,
masalahnya Karna Saya Harus Sabar Menunggu lamanya memiliki hp itu, bisa-bisa 7Bulan lagi hp itu sudah tidak ada!
bos Anda atau boufriend Anda tidak dapat membantu Anda? 7 bulan sangat panjang.
saya tidak Berani Meminjam apa lagi jumlahnya sangat banyak, saya akan sangat malu
Hmmmm Oke. baik untuk menjadi independen!! Jika Anda memerlukan teman mana rahasia Anda aman... aku di sini untuk Anda. bagi saya Anda tidak pernah perlu ashame dengan saya!
Lama Sekali Rasanya 7bulan
waktu yang lama aku tahu:-(
ia Apa Saya Bisa sabar
Aku tahu yang satu-satunya cara untuk menunggu jika Anda aman uang langkah demi langkah.
"iaaa karna saya juga sedikit mendapatkan gaji ,
Jika saya meminjam uang dimana ??
dan apakah ada yang mau meminjamkan,"
sulit aku tahu. khusus jika Anda jadi malu untuk bertanya. mungkin saya dapat membantu Anda jika itu sangat rahasia antara Anda dan saya.
ia Saya tidak ingin orang lain tahu, Cukup anda saja yang tahu
daripada mungkin kita bisa berpikir tentang bagaimana saya dapat membantu Anda. Jika kamu mau?
memangnya anda Akan membantu bagaimana??
Aku tidak tahu. Anda ingin meminjam dari saya atau apa yang Anda pikirkan?
Saya malu meminjam dngan anda
Von: -
Zu: -
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
"Seems u like it like you love it ;-) ;-)
like what?
If I send a kiss :-)
secretly .... ;-)
Hkhkhkk I just want to be friends no more
i know ... just kidding :-) yaaa ok

"I usually just respond,
it is only through the message, that I may directly have to think 10 times as much" lol

whats is okay :-) lol??

ohhhhhh laugh :-) :-)

I came home to this day. half day off :-)

ohh yes for resting thank you! terimakasi :-)
same - the same
good morning sweet girly!!! ;-) Morning to yaaaa

yeah I was off today
:-) time for relax. its good!! enjoy!!

yaaaa certainly a happy new year for you!!! all the best!!! ol af

thankz sorry I can not linger on facebook, because I quickly handpone error
no problem. what happened yesterday? I miss your smile.
sorry I have a problem with my eyes,
oh what happened?? you need a doctor?
"yesterday morning I was stung by a bee on the road and a little more and a little swelling in the eye area, that's why I smile a little sorry
dangerous near the eyes. care of myself!! but dont worry also with swollen eye Your sweet smile :-)
I am ashamed of you yesterday was because I did not approach you and a little hide your face
still enough for me. also with swollen eyes. :-) i dont need to hide like you!!
"hkhkhkkk ada2 your course, I look more ugly
you look ugly! you will always be a very sweet girl!
with circumstances like this I look ugly I embarrassed friend

no for me ;-)hmmmz really confused and annoyed me a lot of trouble for the time being
hey girly, whats going on? you sound unhappy?
never mind, forget it
you can tell me! If you need help or so let me know. we are friends!!
let me know my secret alone is enough
ok. take care!!!!
are what you are now a friend?
what do you mean?
what are u doing???
for dinner with marc.
villa rossa. nice castle near.
ochh macs do not see me message u ya???
never! its only u and me. do not worry!
"yaaaaaa oc,
hmmmmz not good to day fo me."
u can tell me my dear ....
handpone error, i angry
this do not make u angry :-) must take it easy :-) :-) smile to the world and the world smile to u ... : - *

U still dinner just arrived home now. Speak Indonesian

I was at home :-)
cry my olaf
handpone broken again :-( poor sweety ...: - *
"ohhh I just handpone error again :-(

:-( :-( :-( "I was so upset, what type handpone
morning sweety!!! my samsung and nokia.
ohhh samsung galaxy???" yes :-)

I hope you have good night and a better day today: - *
"I hope,
but I still think a lot of patience and"
take life easy baby! If you need help or my friends are always there for you!!
thank you, I pray that soon reached my desire
i will do: - *
hmmmz may be quite a while hope I achieved
what do you mean? What expectations do you have? what do you want?
I am ashamed to say it's a secret
my friends. all secret between you and me!do not worry dear!!
I'm starting to collect money from now
for the new hp or what you want to have?
yeah for the new hp, but it will be very long this
because you can secure only a little or you will have a very hp expensive?
"approximately 3,500,000
hp that I really like with the hp, samsung galaxy s advendt"
its good hp, but also a lot of money :-(
how long you need to secure so much money? new hp is only what you make trouble?
"iaaa I really like the hp,
I will only buy my hp hp all except damaged like this, I can not linger hp online because I would die instantly if it continues Online "
" 7bulan possible, because I will be saving monthly 500 thousand,
the problem because I had to wait that long has hp, might again 7bulan hp just is not there!
:-( "
your boss or your boufriend can not help you? 7 months is very long.
I dare not borrow what else huge numbers, I would be so embarrassed
hmmmm okay. better to be independent! which of your friends if you need your secret safe ...I'm here for you. for me you do not ever need to be ashame to me!

7bulan feels long long time I know what it :-(

I can wait I know that the only way to wait if you deposit money step by step.
" iaaa because I was also a bit of a salary,
if I borrow money where??
and if anyone is willing to lend, "
difficult I know.specially if you are so shy to ask. I might be able to help you if it is a secret between you and me.
he I do not want others to know, just you alone knows
than maybe we can think about how I can help you. if you want?
memangnya you will help how??
I do not know. you want to borrow from me or what you think?
I am ashamed to borrow * with you
Übersetzt wird, bitte warten..
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]

"U-) Seems like it;-)
looks like you liked it;-)"
liked what?
If I send you a Kiss:-)
Secretly. ...;-)
Hkhkhkk I just want to be friends only nothing more
I know ... just kidding:-)

ok Yaaa "I wont just respond to it,
it's just passing messages, if directly maybe I have to think 10 times fold"

-) Lol okay Whats Is Lol??

-) OhhhhhhI came home to this day. a half-day off:-)
Ohh Yes During Rest
Thank you! Terimakasi:-)

equally Good morning sweet girly!!!
;-) yaaaa Morning To
Yes I did off today
-) time for relax. Its good!! Enjoy!!

-) certainly yaaaa happy new year for you!!! All the best!!!
Ol af Sorry I can't spend much time on facebook, Because My phone specially Fast error
There is no problem. What happened yesterday?? I Miss Your smile.
I'm sorry I have a problem with my eye,
Oh what happened?? You need to be a doctor?
"yesterday morning I was stung by a bee on the road was a bit swollen and a little longer in the eye area, that's why I'm a little smile sorry
a dangerous near the eyes. Take care of yourself!! but dont worry as well with Your sweet smile puffy eyes:-)
I am embarrassed by you yesterday it because I am not approaching you and little hiding the face
you still enough for me. also with puffy eyes. dont have to hide:-) I like you!!
"Hkhkhkkk, Ada2 you
I look ugly added"
You look ugly! You will always be very sweet girls!
with these circumstances I look ugly I am ashamed friend

No for me;-)Hmmmz my really confused and pissed off a lot of problems for the moment
Hey girly, whats going on? You don't sound happy?
it's okay, forget it
You can tell me! If you need help or so let me know. We are friends!!
Let me Know This is my Own secret Enough
Ok. Take care!!!!
What Are you friends now?

What do you mean? what are u Doing???
For dinner with marc.
Villa rossa. Near puri bagus.
Ochh Don't See Macs Me Message u Ya?
Never! Its only u and me. Don't worry!

Hmmmmz Yaaaaaa Oc, Not Good To Day fo me. "
U can tell me dear ....
My Error, I Specially angry
This don't must make u angry:-) take it easy:-):-) smile to the world and the world smile to u ...:-*
Dinner Still Just arrived home now

speak Indonesian.I am at home:-)
cry olaf My Broken phone specially Again
Poor:-(sweety ...:-*
"Ohhh recently I Specially Error again

"I am so upset, what you type
Morning sweety!!! My hp samsung and nokia. "morning,

Ohhh samsung galaxy??? "
:-) I hope you have a good night and day better these days:-*

I hope, but I am Still much thinking and patient "
taking life easier too! If you need help or my friends are always there for You!!
Thanks, pray for me so that my desire is reached soon
I will do:-*
hmmmz may be long enough to reach my hope
what do you mean? What hope do you have? What do you want?
it my secret Shame Say
I your friend. All the secret between you and me! Don't worry Sweetie!!
I'm Started collecting money from now
for hp new or what you want to have?
O For the new Hp, but it will take a long time
secure this because you can only slightly or you will have a very expensive hp?
"roughly the price that Hp 3,500,000
I really like with Hp, Samsung Galaxy S Advendt"
Its a nice phone, but also many money
:-(How long do you need to secure so much money? the new hp is the only what makes You a problem?
"Iaaa I really like hp,
I will only Buy Hp Once Except my Hp breaks down like this, I can't spend much time Online Because my Hp will die instantly if it Continues online"
7bulan "is possible, because the Monthly I will save 500 thousand,
the problem is Because I have to wait for the length of it, hp has a can-can 7Bulan again that there are no mobile!

:-("your boss or Your boufriend can't help You? very long 8 months.
I wouldn't Dare Borrow what else would amount to very much, I would be very ashamed
Hmmmm Okay. good to be independent!!!! If you need a friend where your secret safe ... I'm here for You. for me you never need to be ashame to me!

7bulan it feels like a long time ago a long time I know what I am:-(he Could
I knew that the only way to wait if you secure money step by step.
"iaaa because I was also a bit of a salary,
if I borrow money where??
and if anyone is willing to lend, "
hard I know. especially if you're so embarrassed to ask. Maybe I can help you if it is a secret between you and me.
He I don't want others to know, just you alone know
than maybe we can think about how I can help You. If you want?
so you will help how??
I do not know. You want to borrow it from me or what do you think?
I am ashamed to borrow your *
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