Ya saya ada tapi meja 1 ada yAng menempatitidak ada masalah:-)senang m Übersetzung - Ya saya ada tapi meja 1 ada yAng menempatitidak ada masalah:-)senang m Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Ya saya ada tapi meja 1 ada yAng me

Ya saya ada tapi meja 1 ada yAng menempati
tidak ada masalah:-)
senang melihat Anda tersenyum!! memiliki malam bagus:-)
Happy Valentine Day sayang ;-)
kemudian saya datang untuk makan malam dengan bos saya.
Apa maksudmu?
Tidak ada apa
masih tidak mengerti apa yang Anda maksudkan...
Akhirnya rumah:-) shower sekarang dan berbaring dengan buku saya:-) manis mimpi untuk Anda nanti!!
Pagi sayang :-) have a nice Sunday morning there!!!
Selamat pagi sayang and a nice start into this day!!!!
Pagi sweet sister :-)
Good morning sayang :-) have a nice start in a good day!!
Besok saya bawakan uang kira-kira jam 7 malam
Oke:-) have a nice day untuk Anda!! Jaga diri!
Pagi! Apa kabar?
"Ol af saya sudah kesana 2hari yang lalu jam 9 tapi rumah anda sudah gelap saya terus mengetuk pintu tapi tidak terbuka mungkin anda sudah tidur.
Saya menunggu sampai jm 9.30"
Oh benar-benar? berada di rumah sampai 8 dan kemudian untuk makan malam di puri bagus dengan tamu. Maaf! Mengapa tidak mengirim pesan. pertama Anda mengatakan Anda akan datang di 7. Maaf saya bukanlah rumah!!
Ya sewaktu akan berangkat Saya langsung mengantar kakek saya pulang ke amlapura karangasem dan disana saya sampai jm 9 dan saya langsung kerumah anda tapi disana sudah gelap sekali
Maaf!! Mari kita Cari tahu ketika Anda memiliki waktu berikutnya. Aku berjanji aku akan ada untuk Anda. besok aku tidak rumah... tetapi hari-hari lain yang tidak ada masalah sama sekali!!
Ya jika saya kesana saya akan mengirim pesan
Ya itu adalah yang terbaik:-) Saya pikir Anda banyak...
Pagi sayang!!! Have a nice day!!!
Ya tankz maaf saya sedang sibuk saat ini
Aku tahu aku adalah upacara waktu pada saat itu... semua orang sibuk sebenarnya:-)
Are u open today?
I mean astawa open :-)
"Ya open
Tapi tolong jangan membicarakan uang disini atau anda terlalu akrab dengan saya karna saya takut teman saya curiga terutama wayan ewik"
Jangan khawatir. Aku berjanji untuk Anda semuanya pribadi dan rahasia antara Anda dan saya. tamu saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke le48. Maaf:-(
"Yaaahhh Apa Anda ikut
Saya sedikit sakit karena suara saya sedikit serak"
Oh. apa yang terjadi? menangkap dingin? merawat sayang!! Besok adalah waktu untuk bersantai:-)
"Ya mungkin karna cuaca tidak baik.
Kakak saya akan menikah 2 Hari lagi"
Oh daripada Anda akan menjadi sangat sibuk saya pikir. Anda harus berhati-hati untuk Anda! janji:-)
Ya baik lah
Good :-*
Selamat pagi :-) Itu bagus hari terakhir untuk melihat Anda tersenyum!
Terima kasih
You're welcome!!! ;-)
Good morning untuk Anda! Saya harap Anda baik-baik saja!! Mengapa Anda tidak pernah punya waktu untuk saya? pertama Anda menjanjikan banyak dan sekarang...? ;-(
Karna akan ada hariraya besar maka dari itu saya cukup sibuk.
Aku tahu waktu upacara. Tapi Anda tidak pernah lagi beberapa teks. Aku merasa Anda adalah hanya tertarik untuk meminjam uang. itu membuat saya sedih.
"Saya sibuk. Tolong dimengerti.
Anda pula hanya tman baik saya dan bukan pacar saya jadi jangan terlalu meminta perhatian lebih.
Jangankan anda, pacar saya saja saya tidak sempat untuk perhatian saat ini dan dia mwngerti"
Aku tahu, normal di sini ....
I come for dinner with two friend in 20 min :-)
corry I Work Morning ol af and nou I Still busy At home because toromorrow I Ceremoney In Tample My vilage
Oh :-( was hope to see u :-)
Yaa See You next time
Hope :-)
me also:-)
Yea ;-)
pagi! Aku bertanya-tanya ketika Anda akan mulai untuk membayar kembali uang? Anda yang sudah dua bulan terlambat...
hari kamis sayang. karena saya akan cek mata
hanya jangan lupa itu. saya tidak ingin untuk datang marah tentang hal ini. Harap ingat Anda berjanji untuk membayar setiap bulan...
Nice to see u!!!
mungkin aku harus benar-benar meminta Anda untuk pijat seperti wayan mengatakan kemarin :-) memiliki malam yang baik!!
Saya tidak bisa memijat
I know :-) just joke.
Ol af maaf saya nanti sore tidak bisa datang kesana karna saya harus ke dokter specialis mata untuk pengecekan mata ulang dan membuat kacamata yang sesuai maaf untuk hari ini harap anda mengerti
Aku tahu kesehatan sangat penting. Tapi seperti saya katakan terakhir kali, hanya jangan lupa apa yang kau berjanji. ingat berapa banyak waktu saya meminta Anda jika Anda tidak yakin bahwa Anda dapat benar-benar menjaga apa yang kau berjanji...
"Baik janji akan tetap saya tepati. Apakah anda tau saya sakit mata.
Mata saya yang disebelah kanan minus 1,75 itu cukup membuat saya kaget"
saya tahu banyak orang di sini memiliki sakit mata. Anda harus menggunakan reguler kacamata Anda. ini membantu untuk tetap ini dan tidak datang lebih terburuk.
mungkin Anda dapat menggunakan lensa kontak jika Anda pikir Anda tidak kecantikan dengan kacamata.
Jangan khawatir, bagi saya Anda juga cantik dengan kacamata ;-)
Ya akan saya coba mulai hari minggu sore saya memakai kacamata
Aku suka selalu untuk melihat Anda. dengan kacamata atau tanpa :-) kacamata membantu untuk menyimpan mata Anda. Jangan malu untuk menggunakan.
Pleace jangan message karena saya akan di antar oleh pacar saya
At 6.30 coming 13 guest for dinner. Is it okay?
"ohhh saya malu untuk melihat anda. .
kenapa jam 6.30 bisakah jam 7 agar saya sudah didalam dan tidak berdiri di depan lagi"
tidak saya tidak akan datang dengan tamu. hanya bahwa Anda dapat mempersiapkan.
Adan tidak dinner
dapat Anda mengirimkan pick up pada 6,30 untuk 2 tamu?
"Mungkin anda harus menelpon kerestaurant sekarang untuk meminta pick up karena saya takut memberitahu ini nomer restaurant kami
0363 41363"
I call the resto. Terina kashi
Ya sama sama
Pagi :-) apa kabar? Hope u are okay!!!
Ya kabar baik hanya cukup sibuk semoga saya besok bisa ke rumah anda
senang mendengar Anda.
Anda terlihat sangat cantik dengan kacamata! Saya suka sangat banyak untuk melihat Anda :-)
Saya malu
tidak malu dengan saya. Anda tahu saya seperti Anda dan saya seperti itu untuk melihat Anda. Anda adalah manis dengan gelas. Benarkah!!!
terimakasi banyak
Sama sama sayangku ;-)
Anda masih akan datang ke rumah saya hari ini atau tidak? Jika tidak saya pergi tidur segera. Aku harus bangun pagi-pagi besok.
"Saya tidak ada sepeda motor harus berbuat apa maaf kan saya
ya silahkan anda tidur saya kasihan pada anda harus cukup istirahat"
Oke. kemudian hari lain. Jangan lupa itu... memiliki malam bagus :-)
Ya good night
Its always nice to see you, sayang!!!
7 aku datang dengan bos saya lagi untuk makan malam :-)
Hi, apa kabar? Saya tertarik untuk mengetahui ketika Anda akan mulai untuk membayar utang Anda? Sebelum Anda berjanji Maret?!
Secepatna jangan mengirim pesan pacar saya akan datang besok saya mengabari anda
Secepatna jangan mengirim pesan pacar saya akan datang besok saya mengabari anda
Pagi! Mengapa Anda tidak menghubungi saya dengan info? l tidak suka longgar persahabatan kita tapi perlahan-lahan aku datang gila :-(
saya marah!! Saya pikir saya harus bertanya bos Anda menjadi langsung setiap bulan gaji Anda atau apa yang Anda pikirkan?
tadinya saya akan memberikan anda kejutan saya akan datang jm 6 sore nanti, dan akan mengobrol dengan anda tapi jika anda marah seperti ini ya itu terserah anda
Anda tidak mengerti jika aku datang sedih?
Ya nanti akan saya hibur dan bercanda dengan anda apa anda suka main game di hp???
Aku punya tidak ada permainan di hp atau komputer saya.

Von: -
Zu: -
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
yeah I was there but there is one table occupies no problem :-)

glad to see you smile!! have a good night :-)
happy valentine day love ;-)
then I came for dinner with my boss.
what do you mean?

there is not still do not understand what you mean ...
finally home :-) shower now and lay down with my book :-) Sweet dreams to you later!!
morning dear:-) Have a nice sunday morning there!!!
Good morning, honey and a nice start into this day!!!!

Morning sweet sister :-) :-) dear good morning have a nice start in a good day!!
I bring the money tomorrow about 7 pm
okay :-) have a nice day to you!! take care of yourself!
morning! how are you?
"I've been there ol af 2 days 9 hours ago your house was dark but I keep knocking on the door but did not open you probably already asleep.
I waited until 9:30 jm"
oh really? be home until 8 and then to dinner at a nice castle with guests. sorry! why not send a message. First you say you will come in 7. sorry I was not home!!
yeah when I'm leaving my grandfather drove straight home to Amlapura karangasem and there I got my jm 9 and direct your home but there are so dim
sorry!! let's find out when you have the next time. I promise I'll be there for you. tomorrow I'm not home ... but other days are no problem at all!!
yes if I get there I will send a message
yes it is the best :-) I think you lot ...
morning dear!!! have a nice day!!!
yes tankz sorry I'm busy at the moment
I know I was at that time the ceremony ... everyone is busy actually :-)
are u open today?
i mean Astawa open :-)
"yes open
but please do not talk about money here or you are too familiar to me because I was afraid my friend Wayan ewik especially suspicious "
do not worry. everything I promised to your private and confidential between you and me. guests I decided to go to le48. sorry: - (
yaaahhh what you join me a little sick because my voice is a little hoarse"
oh. what happened? catch a cold?take care dear!! tomorrow is the time to relax :-)
"yeah probably because the weather was not good.
my sister is getting married 2 days"
oh than you will be very busy I thought. you have to be careful for you! promise :-)

yes good was good: - *
that's good :-) good morning last day to see you smile! thank you

you're welcome!!! ;-)
Good morning to you!I hope you are fine!! why you never have time for me? Your first promising a lot and now ...? ;-(
Hariraya because there will be huge and therefore I am quite busy.
I know the timing of the ceremony. Again but you do not have some of the text. I feel you are only interested in borrowing money. It makes me sad.
"I was busy. please understand.
you also only good tman me and not my boyfriend so do not ask for much attention.
let you, my girlfriend just I do not have time for this moment and the attention he mwngerti "
I know, normal here ....
i come for dinner with two friend in 20 min :-)
Corry i work morning and nou af ol i still busy at home Because toromorrow i ceremoney in tample my vilage
oh:- (Was hope to see u :-)
yaa see you next time

me also hope :-) :-) ;-)

yea morning! I was wondering when you would start to pay back the money? you are already two months late ...
Thursday affection. because I will check the eyes
just do not forget it. I do not want to come angry about this. please remember your promise to pay every month ...
nice to see u!!!
maybe I should actually ask you to massage like Wayan said yesterday :-) have a nice evening!!

I can not massage i know :-) just a joke.

ol af hahaaa sorry I could not come up later in the afternoon there because I have to go to the eye specialist doctor for re-checking the eyes and make the appropriate glasses for today's sorry hope you understand
I know health is very important. but like I said last time, just do not forget what you promised. remember how much time I ask you if you are not sure that you can actually keep what you promise ...
"pledge will remain my keep. did you know my eyes hurt.
my eyes are on the right minus 1, 75 was enough to make me shocked "
I know a lot of people here have a sore eye. you have to use your regular glasses. This helps to keep the worst and did not come over.
maybe you can use contact lenses if you think you are not beauty with glasses.
do not worry, you are too beautiful for me with sunglasses
ya ;-) I will try to start a Sunday afternoon I wear glasses
I always love to see you. with glasses or without glasses :-) help to save your eyes. do not be ashamed to use.
pleace do not message because I will be in between by my girlfriend okay

13 guest coming at 6:30 for dinner. is it okay?
"ohhh I was ashamed to see you ..
Why Can 6.30 at 7 so I was in and not stand in front again"
I would not come up with guests. only that you can prepare.

adan not dinner you can send a pick up at 6.30 for 2 guests?
"maybe you should call now to ask kerestaurant pick up because I was afraid to tell our restaurant number 41363
i call the restaurant. Terina kashi

yeah same same morning :-) how are you? hope u are okay!!!
yes good news just busy enough tomorrow hopefully I can get to your house
glad to hear you.
you look very beautiful with glasses! I like very much to see you :-) I am ashamed

not shy with me. you know I like you and I like it to see you. you are adorable with glasses. true!!!
terimakasi much equally as dear ;-)

you are still going to come to my house today or not? if I do not go to sleep right away. I have to get up early tomorrow.
"I do not no what to do motorcycle right sorry i
yes please you sleep I pity you have to get enough rest"
okay. then another day. do not forget it ... have a good night :-) good night

yes its always nice to see you, dear!!!
7 I came with my boss again for dinner :-)
hi, how are you? I am interested to know when you will start to pay your debts? before you promised march?!
secepatna do not send a message my girlfriend is coming tomorrow I update you
secepatna do not send a message my girlfriend is coming tomorrow morning
me update you! why you did not contact me with info?l do not like to loose our friendship but I am slowly coming :-(
me crazy with anger I thought I should ask your boss to pay you directly every month or what did you think?
was I going to give you a surprise I will come jm 6 this evening, and will chat with you but if you get angry like this so it's up to you
you do not know if I'm coming down?
yes then will I entertain and joke with you what you like to play games on the hp???
I have no games on my hp or computer.

Übersetzt wird, bitte warten..
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Yes I have but there is table 1 which occupies

no problem:-) nice to see you smile!! have a good evening:-)
Happy Valentine Day sweetie;-)
then I came for dinner with my boss.
What do you mean?
still don't understand what you mean ...
-) home Finally shower now and lie down with my book:-) sweet dreams to you later!!
Morning sweetie:-) have a nice Sunday morning there!!!
Good morning sweetie and a nice start into this day!!!!
Morning sweet sister:-)
Good morning sweetie:-) have a nice start in a good day!!
Tomorrow I bring the money approx 7 pm
Okay:-) have a nice day to You!! Take care of yourself!
morning! Apa kabar?
"I'm already there Ol af tour 2days ago at 9 but your House is dark I keep knocking on the door but not open you probably already asleep.
I waited till 9: 30 at jm"
Oh really? being home to 8 and then to dinner at the puri bagus with guests. Sorry! Why not send a message. First you say you will arrived at 7. Sorry I was not home!!
Yes when I was leaving my grandfather drove straight home to amlapura karangasem and there I got my 9 direct and jm to you but there was dark once
Sorry!! Let's find out when you have the next time. I promise I'll be there for You. tomorrow I'm not home ... but other days there was no problem at all!!
Yes if I go there I will send a message
Yes it is the best:-) I think you lot ...
Morning Darling!!! Have a nice day!!!
Yes tankz sorry I'm busy this time
I know I was at that time the time ceremonies ... all the busy people really are:-)
u Are open today?
I mean astawa open:-)
"openBut please don't talk about money here or you are too familiar with me because I was afraid my friends get suspicious especially wayan ewik "
don't worry. I promise to You everything is private and confidential between you and me. my guest decides to go to le48. Sorry
:-("Yaaahhh What you can
my little sick because my voice is a little hoarse"
Oh. What's going on? catch a cold? take care sweetheart!! Tomorrow is the time to relax:-)
"Yes maybe because the weather is not good.
my sister getting married 2 days longer"
Oh than you will be very busy I think. You must take care for you! the promise:-)
Yes good lah

-* Good: good morning:-) It's a good last day to see you smile!

thanks you're welcome!!! ;-)
Good morning to You! I hope you are fine!! Why do You never have time for me? First you're promising a lot and now ...? ;-(
Karna would be no big hariraya therefore I am quite busy.
I knew the time of the ceremony. But you never mention some text. I feel you are just interested in borrowing money. It makes me sad.
"I am busy. Please understand.
You are my only good tman and not my boyfriend so don't ask more attention too.
never mind you, my girlfriend got me no time for caution at the moment and he mwngerti "
I know, normal here ....
I come for dinner with two friend in 20 min:-)
corry I Work Morning and nou af ol I Still busy At home because I toromorrow Tample Ceremoney In My vilage
Oh :-(was hope to see u:-)
Yaa See You next time

-) Hope me also:-)

Yea;-) morning! I was wondering when you will start to pay back the money? You're already two months late ...
Thursday too. because I am going to check the eyes
just don't forget it. I don't want to come is angry about this. Please remember You promised to pay each month ...
Nice to see u!!!
Maybe I should really ask you to massages such as wayan said yesterday:-) has a good night!!

I can't cum I know:-) just a joke.

Ol Hahaaa af later in the afternoon I'm sorry I couldn't make it there because I have to see a doctor eye eye specialist for checking and making the appropriate glasses sorry for today hope you understand
I know health care is very important. But as I said last time, just do not forget what you promised. remember how many times I ask you if you are not sure that you can actually keep what you promise ...
"Good promise will remain I tepati. Did you know I was sick My Eyes sight.
is to the right of minus 1.75 it simply makes me shocked "
I know a lot of people here have sore eyes. You must use Your regular glasses. This helps to keep it and not come more worst.
maybe you can use contact lenses if you think you're not a beauty with glasses.
don't worry, to me you are also pretty with glasses;-)
Ya I will try starting Sunday afternoon I wear glasses
I like to always see you. with glasses or without glasses:-) helps to keep your eyes. Don't be shy to use.
Pleace don't message because I am going on between my girlfriend by

Okay At 6.30 coming 13 guest for dinner. Is it okay?
"ohhh I was ashamed to see you. .
why at 6.30 can at 7 so I've been in and not standing in front of it again "
No I would not have come up with. just that you can prepare.
Adan not dinner
can You send you pick up at 6.30 to 8 guests? "maybe you should call kerestaurant to request a pick up right now because I am afraid to tell our number this restaurant
0363 41363"

I Shall call the resto. Terina kashi
Yes same same
-) Morning how are you? Hope u are okay!!!
Yes good news just busy enough hopefully I can tomorrow to your home
glad to hear you.
You look very pretty with glasses! I like very much to see You:-)
shame no shame with me. You know I like you and I like it to see You. You are adorable with glasses. Is It True That!!!

Same same terimakasi much my dear;-)
You're still going to come to my House today or not? If I didn't go to bed soon. I had to get up early tomorrow.
"I no what to do motorcycle sorry kan I
Yes please you sleep I pity on you should get enough rest"
Okay. then the other day. Don't forget that ... have a good night:-)
good night Its always nice to see you, sweetie!!!
7 I have come with my boss again for dinner:-)
Hi, how are you? I am interested in knowing when you'll begin to pay your debts? Before you promised in March?!
Secepatna do not send messages my girlfriend will come tomorrow I revert you
Secepatna do not send messages my girlfriend will come tomorrow I revert you
morning! Why don't you contact me with info? l don't like to loose our friendship but slowly I come
irate:-(I demented!! I thought I should ask your boss to be directly each month your salary or what do you think?
once I will give you my surprise will come later, jm 6 pm and will chat with you but if you upset like this Yes it's up to you
You do not understand if I came in sad?
O later will I entertain and joking with you what do you like to play games at the hp???
I have no games in my computer hp or

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